Resident data ends at 28ec, program starts at 28ec, file ends at e390 Starting analysis pass at address 28e9 End of analysis pass, low address = 28ec, high address = c8ec [Start of text] S001: "Baltimore:24" S002: " An Exercise in Interactive Fiction Copyright (c) 1997 by Howard A. Sherman For help & info about this game type "info" at any prompt. " S003: "961216" S004: "6/3" S005: "a" S006: "---" S007: "the" S008: "The " S009: "the " S010: "a " S011: "The " S012: "the " S013: "an " S014: "The " S015: "the " S016: "some " S017: "The " S018: "the " S019: "some " S020: "N = next subject" S021: "P = previous" S022: " Q = resume game" S023: "Q = previous menu" S024: "RETURN = read subject" S025: "Score: " S026: "Moves: " S027: "Time: " S028: "You can't go that way." S029: "your former self" S030: "yourself" S031: "Darkness" S032: "those things" S033: "that" S034: " or " S035: "nothing" S036: " is" S037: " are" S038: "is " S039: "are " S040: "the " S041: " and " S042: "whom " S043: "which " S044: "This is one of Tandy's best models. The usual buttons are present which allow you to make phone calls. In addition, there are controls for volume adjustment and speed dialing." S045: "A basic Motorola pager which displays the phone number of whoever beeps you." S046: "All leather. The simple once-over fold type. Simple but nice." S047: "It's actually a credit-card type plastic card with some dots on it. The number '101' is clearly visible along one edge." S048: "This is a sheet of old-style computer paper with the tractor holes on the ends. At the top is the Ramada Inn logo and beneath it is a summary of your charges for your night's stay at the hotel. A quick glance at the total at the bottem tells you that you paid a pretty fair price." S049: "You are in the Computer Room where the main Excaliber server is kept. A large, long wooden table is cluttered with a full-size computer tower, Pioneer CD ROM changers, a 17 inch computer monitor and various other equipment. A doorway to the east leads to the main set of offices." S050: "A Cisco 1000 Router is here, its various lights blinking hysterically." S051: "The router is a thin box, gray in color. It has a display panel in the front. The legend 'Cisco' is displayed prominently on the panel." S052: "It is apparent that the occupants of this office think of work first and organization last. Each of four desks are cluttered with print-outs, computer equipment and telephones. These cramped offices are lined with filing cabinets in addition to the desks. Free space is definitely a commodity. The computer room lies to the west, the main exit is south." S053: "You are in the parking lot outside the Excaliber Office. Many parking spaces are here keeping the shrubs and the garbage dumpster company. The Excaliber Office is to the north." S054: "You love this car! The long lines and the subtle curves make it look powerful yet graceful. The small V8 emblem on the side completes this visage perfectly." S055: "Your Thunderbird is parked here, it's powerful engine audible under the hood." S056: "Your Ford Thunderbird is parked here." S057: "You are driving down the New Jersey Turnpike towards Baltimore. Trees and streetlamps are a blur as you drive along at a quick pace." S058: "After just crossing the Delaware Memorial Bridge and paying your toll, you continue towards Baltimore on Route 295 South." S059: "As you cross over a long bridge spanning a beautiful body of water on both sides of you, you relax a bit in spite of your demanding mission. The road is smooth, the traffic is light and A Flock of Seagulls playing on your stereo makes you wish you were making this trip under more relaxed circumstances." S060: "'Make a left and turn to Ramada for a good night's sleep!'" S061: "You are at the end of a street where three tall buildings form a junction. Garbage dumpsters, a few homeless people and street lights populate this area. You feel a little unsafe." S062: "What a cute cat! She has the colors of a tabby and looks to be hardly older than a kitten. She takes her attention off of a mouse she was spying to look up at you and give a soft 'meow.'" S063: "You pull into the parking lot of the Ramada and park your car. You are so tired you do this automatically, taking the first spot your eyes lock on. The entrance to the hotel lobby is to the north." S064: "You are just outside the Ramada Inn, Baltimore. The hotel itself is a modern three story building. Neatly trimmed shrubs are all around. A glass door beckons you to the hotel lobby to the north." S065: "This hotel must have been remodelled recently. Plush carpeting feel like pillows beneath your feet. The decor, in general, is very modern. A few comfortable chairs and couches are scattered throughout the room. To the west lies the front desk. A hallway to the east leads to guest rooms." S066: "A single black door would usually lead guests to rooms on the upper floors. However, a large 'Out of Order' sign hanging on the elevator call button rules out this possibility." S067: "The front desk is actually a black lacquor counter behind which you see two computer terminals, a printer and an elaborate phone system. A small wicker basket containing books of matches is sitting on the counter just out of reach. The main lobby is to the east." S068: "Pretty sharp. Glossy black with the red Ramada logo on the outside and a toll free telephone number." S069: " !!! Hello, Traveller !!! This hotel is equipped with the very latest in customer service amenities. For example: To check in to the hotel just type "checkin". To check out of the hotel just type "checkout". Enjoy your stay! " S070: "The desk clerk is a middle aged man, perhaps 40ish, of Indian descent. He looks like he's fighting sleep." S071: "Behind the front desk a tired looking man is watching an old movie on a small color TV." S072: "This is a comfortable room, if a little small. A king sized bed dominates the middle of the room. By the window is a small round table with two chairs facing each other. A writing desk is also here with a lamp on it. The carpeting beneath your feet is soft and springy. The room has a fragrant smell to it; the smell of clean without the smell of Mr. Clean, if you know what I mean. Immediately adjacent to your room is the bathroom." S073: "One of the best spots in the city! The slight smell of brine tingle your nostrils as you look at the light reflecting on the ocean. Classic wooden ships with their sails flapping slightly in the wind line the docks. A few people are walking about. Many of them seem to be milling about in the promenade off to the west." S074: "Bustling with activity you hardly know where to begin. To the west is a food court with every imaginable delicacy, to the north rows of carts with various interesting and colorful trinkets invite you and to the south is a bar overlooking an exquisite view of the harbor and the Atlantic Ocean at large." S075: "Your stomach grumbles slightly as you take in the fragrant aromas of every type of food on earth. All around you can be seen stands for seafood, pizza, sushi, hamburgers, tacos and more. Tables nearby are populated with parents with their children, businessmen and tourists enjoying their food." S076: "Rows of carts line this part of the promenade manned by merchants making their living. If ever you wanted a beeper, a souvenir coffee mug or an Orioles baseball cap you've come to the right place." S077: "This view alone is worth your entire trip. The full expanse of the ocean is laid out in front of you as far as you can see. Others seem to share your opinion as most of the bar's patrons are enjoying their drinks sitting at tables which take full advantage of this panoramic view. Off in the distant you see a medium-sized yacht moving along at a good pace." S078: "This room could be the bridge of a starship. Computer terminals are everywhere displaying network status screens of everytype." S079: "Robert is a middle-aged man of thin build. A finely groomed moustache accompanies a thoughtful look, as if he is working on a physics problem at this very moment. And considering his mindset he may very well be. Robert is holding a carboard box." S080: "read" S081: "send message" S082: "apply 'ofclass' for" S083: "recreate" S084: "destroy" S085: "copy" S086: "copy" S087: "" S088: "name" S089: "create" S090: "recreate" S091: "destroy" S092: "remaining" S093: "copy" S094: "call" S095: "print" S096: "print_to_array" S097: "animate" S098: "absent" S099: "clothing" S100: "concealed" S101: "container" S102: "door" S103: "edible" S104: "enterable" S105: "general" S106: "light" S107: "lockable" S108: "locked" S109: "moved" S110: "on" S111: "open" S112: "openable" S113: "proper" S114: "scenery" S115: "scored" S116: "static" S117: "supporter" S118: "switchable" S119: "talkable" S120: "transparent" S121: "visited" S122: "workflag" S123: "worn" S124: "male" S125: "female" S126: "neuter" S127: "pluralname" S128: "before" S129: "after" S130: "life" S131: "n_to" S132: "s_to" S133: "e_to" S134: "w_to" S135: "ne_to" S136: "se_to" S137: "nw_to" S138: "sw_to" S139: "u_to" S140: "d_to" S141: "in_to" S142: "out_to" S143: "door_to" S144: "with_key" S145: "door_dir" S146: "invent" S147: "plural" S148: "add_to_scope" S149: "list_together" S150: "react_before" S151: "react_after" S152: "grammar" S153: "orders" S154: "initial" S155: "when_open" S156: "when_closed" S157: "when_on" S158: "when_off" S159: "description" S160: "describe" S161: "article" S162: "cant_go" S163: "found_in" S164: "time_left" S165: "number" S166: "time_out" S167: "daemon" S168: "each_turn" S169: "capacity" S170: "short_name" S171: "short_name_indef" S172: "parse_name" S173: "articles" S174: "play" S175: "Pronouns" S176: "Quit" S177: "Restart" S178: "Restore" S179: "Save" S180: "Verify" S181: "ScriptOn" S182: "ScriptOff" S183: "NotifyOn" S184: "NotifyOff" S185: "Places" S186: "Objects" S187: "Score" S188: "FullScore" S189: "Inv" S190: "Take" S191: "Drop" S192: "Remove" S193: "PutOn" S194: "Insert" S195: "Transfer" S196: "EmptyT" S197: "Give" S198: "Show" S199: "Enter" S200: "GetOff" S201: "Exit" S202: "VagueGo" S203: "Go" S204: "LMode1" S205: "LMode2" S206: "LMode3" S207: "Look" S208: "Examine" S209: "LookUnder" S210: "Search" S211: "Unlock" S212: "Lock" S213: "SwitchOn" S214: "SwitchOff" S215: "Open" S216: "Close" S217: "Disrobe" S218: "Wear" S219: "Eat" S220: "Yes" S221: "No" S222: "Burn" S223: "Pray" S224: "Wake" S225: "WakeOther" S226: "Kiss" S227: "Think" S228: "Smell" S229: "Listen" S230: "Taste" S231: "Touch" S232: "Dig" S233: "Cut" S234: "Jump" S235: "JumpOver" S236: "Tie" S237: "Drink" S238: "Fill" S239: "Sorry" S240: "Strong" S241: "Mild" S242: "Attack" S243: "Swim" S244: "Swing" S245: "Blow" S246: "Rub" S247: "Set" S248: "SetTo" S249: "WaveHands" S250: "Wave" S251: "Pull" S252: "Push" S253: "Turn" S254: "PushDir" S255: "Squeeze" S256: "ThrowAt" S257: "Tell" S258: "Answer" S259: "Ask" S260: "Buy" S261: "Sing" S262: "Climb" S263: "Wait" S264: "Sleep" S265: "Consult" S266: "parse_input" S267: "AskFor" S268: "GiveR" S269: "ShowR" S270: "begin_action" S271: "end_turn_sequence" S272: "Pet" S273: "Version" S274: "Empty" S275: "InvTall" S276: "InvWide" S277: "GoIn" S278: "Checkin" S279: "Checkout" S280: "Call" S281: "Info" [End of text] [End of file]